Scratch Pad

There is absolutely no structure or theme for postings on this site. Just splatter your mind upon the keyboard. Take time to post something, even if you're just passing by.


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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

For the people...

So many blogs, published articles, books, tv segments, and conversations on the subject of politics have one simple, reoccuring theme - the president George W. Bush is no good. And in most cases that is putting it mildly. But the idea here is that the opinion of so very many people is completely anti-Bush. Furthermore, I do not come across many opinions that are pro-Bush.

This is a government by the people, for the people. And popular opinion seems to be anti-bush, yet his administration is still in charge.

There is something wrong with this country.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Wiggles

I have a son, and we watch a lot of kids shows together. I like a lot of them, but the one I think there is something seriously disturbing about is The Wiggles. 4 grown men playing together and acting silly, riding in a tiny car together, and trying to entertain little kids. I don't let my kid watch any sort of violence on TV, and for similiar reasons I do not let him watch this show. Think of the influence this could have on a child.

My date with Beyonce

If I was granted 5 minutes with Beyonce to do whatever I wanted, I would spend 1-2 of them with her bent over and me slapping on her butt cheeks like I was playing the bongo drums.

Human Nature

Sometimes I see a hot girl walking down the road and I just want to go up and rub her.

Level of Intoxication

When I was in high school I could smoke so much weed, and still function in society. Serious mass quantities were smoked, but now I just need to smoke 1 one-hitter and I am lit up, very stoned. I guess it must be my lower tolerance and the fact that weed gets continually better.

Compulsive Thinker

I consider myself to be a compulsive thinker. I often find interest in articles I read concerning Timothy Leary. I was listening to some of the audio books and talks today, this is some great stuff. If you enjoy thinking for yourself you should check some of this stuff out.

Its Tuesday Afternoon and Im Stoned.

Like the title says, plus my kid is sleeping and Im sitting on the front porch. Im just waiting, waiting for some time in the next few weeks to hear of a job opportunity from a headhunter. Until then, Im on umployment because I moved back to my small hometown and there are really no jobs around here unless you can work for minimum wage or slightly higher. Even those are kind of difficult to get here. Moving back was a bad career move, and so I cant stay long, but while Im here its a nice sort of vacation.